A Father’s Prospective

A Father's Prospective

Troy Ramirez’s thoughts on his son Mateo’s Alopecia, and why awareness is important!

Alopecia Awareness is important to me because Alopecians are one of the most special kinds of people in the world.  My 6 yearold son Mateo has Alopecia.  And as I tell him, it affects all of us.  So I feel like I have alopecia also.  I feel that getting Alopecia out in the open and making people aware of it will only help those affected by it.  There are so many people that have never heard of it, let alone know someone affected by it.   My biggest gripe is that when people see my son in public they don’t ask what’s going on with him.   They only assume he has cancer or some other illness, which is far worse.  If we bring alopecia to the forefront and force people to talk about it, it will help everyone.  Hopefully help those affected by helping them accept it.  I love alopecians!


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